Worship Services

Opportunities to Serve in Worship Services

  • Advent candles


    Acolytes ages 8 to adult may serve in Sunday worship by leading the worship procession, lighting and extinguishing candles, and assisting the priest at the altar. For more information on becoming an acolyte contact Pastor Kristine.

  • Sanctuary decorated for Advent

    Altar Guild

    Members prepare the altar for all services. They arrange flowers, maintain linens and vestments, and polish brass and silver. Training upon request. Occasional meetings are held during the year.

  • Ancient illustrated manuscript


    Lectors read the Old and New Testament lessons and Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People at Sunday services. Contact the Parish Administrator if interested in serving in this way.

  • Chalice

    Serve Communion

    Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in serving communion. Contact Pastor Kristine if interested in serving in this way.

  • Welcome sign


    Ushers greet visitors, distribute service bulletins and collect the offerings. Contact Donna Daunt to volunteer

  • video camera


    Volunteers set up and broadcast a livestream of our worship services, enabling parishioners to stay involved in the church even when they are unable to attend in person. Training is provided.