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Spiritual Formation

Watch the weekly email for announcements of upcoming spiritual formation activities. Contact Mary Hood, Ellen Jahn or Pastor Kristine for more information.

Recent activities have included:

Advent “Quiet Morning” is an opportunity to reflect on the Scripture reading, take time for quiet individual reflection, and join in Morning Prayer.

Advent series Advent discussions on a theme selected for the season.

Book Discussions Watch the Weekly Update email for announcements of upcoming book discussions.

Celtic Evening Prayer Periodically, this service is held with music by members of St. Mary’s Celtic jam group. The service emphasizes connection to the Divine through the natural world. 

Discussions on the Gospel A discussion series focuses on the gospel from which scriptures are selected in given year

Inquirer's classes are offered periodically to share about Episcopal traditions, history, sacraments and liturgy. Ask Pastor Kristine if interested.

Lenten Series We offer a book study or other discussion series during Lent.

Lunchtime Lectio is offered every Wednesday at noon.

Season of Creation During this churchwide season in September, our Creation Care ministry offers educational programs.

Spiritual Writing Group Spiritual writing could be defined as writing that engages the spiritual aspects of ourselves, others, and the universe. The group was formed to encourage each other and hear each other’s stories. Contact Karin Forno for more information.